Specification of embedded systems  

Development of specification models for embedded control systems and cyber-physical systems, using the modelling formalism UML/SysML. Automated code generation for embedded Systems from UML/SysML Models. For 6 ECTS credit points, all lectures and tutorials need to be attended. The oral examination covers both UML/SysML modelling and code generation. For 3 ECTS, only the first half of the lectures and tutorials concerned with modelling only needed to be attended. The oral examination only covers modelling with UML/SysML Outcome: Learning outcomes: Learn how to model the expected behavior of an embedded control system with real-time constraints. Learn how to use the formal modelling language UML/SysML, based on real-world examples from the automotive industry Learn how to elaborate models using a state-of-the-art tool (e.g. Papyrus/Eclipse) Learn how to generate efficient C-code automatically from a model Learn how to set up an efficient domain framework supporting execution of generated code in real-time
Specification of embedded systems

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